Here’s the Chef’s Special issue of Sandwich Magazine, and my fourth one at the helm. As you can see, this one has Gordon Ramsay ‘idiot sandwiching’ himself on the cover. We went to his house in LA to shoot this (photos by @brianbowensmith) and do the interview and he was ever so nice – a Michelin star host, you could say. Gordon came in as guest editor too, which is pretty top level for this plucky indie magazine. Elsewhere (deep breath) we have @oliviatied’s first ever interview about her chef lyfe and tearing up the internet, West Philly’s awesome more-than-a-sandwich store @honeysuckle_provisions, Gordon Ramsay’s new show @idiotsandwich, hip young gunslinger @thebreaducator tries to define what a sandwich actually is, @faulknercantsleep’s piece on being a school chef is just terrific, Guest Editor Ramsay asked his top chef friends for their sandwich recipes, did a brilliant photo feature with @bragarduk chefs whites, while @hannahslaneyphotography and @dotscookin went to town on their international sandwich photo feature. There’s loads more but I’m running out of space but the whole thing is chefs kiss emoji good. Again a massive tip of the hat to @tertia.nash for amazing art direction and design along with @hiya_m8. Thanks to everyone involved – especially @lewis1602 Jo Milloy @simonthebaker @ryancahill7 @harrietswatts
Guest editor – @gordongram
Editor – me
Digital Editor – @bencsmoke
Art Director – @tertia.nash
Design – @hiyam_8
Cover Photo @brianbowensmith
Food styling Marah Abel
HMU @laura.connelly
Published by @tcolondon